Grande Pines Community Development District Orange County, Florida Created by Ordinance #2019-17 Linda Kepfer, Vice Chair Park Square Homes Phone: 407-529-3082 5200 Vineland Road, Suite 200 Fax: Orlando, FL 32811 Cell: Elected: 11/18/24 Seat # 1 Term Expires: 11/2028 County: Seminole E-mail: Achal Aggarwal, Chairman Park Square Homes Phone: 407-529-3037 5200 Vineland Road, Suite 200 Fax: Orlando, FL 32811 Cell: 407-421-3148 Elected: 11/18/24 Seat # 2 Term Expires: 11/2026 County: Orange E-mail: Maria Perez, Assistant Secretary Park Square Homes Phone: 407-529-3045 5200 Vineland Road, Suite 200 Fax: Orlando, FL 32811 Cell: 407-201-9898 Elected: 11/18/24 Seat # 3 Term Expires: 11/2028 County: Orange E-mail: Carol Kay Cole, Assistant Secretary Park Square Homes Phone: 5200 Vineland Road, Suite 200 Fax: Orlando, FL 32811 Cell: 407-506-2698 Elected: 08/19/24 Seat # 4 Term Expires: 11/2026 County: Orange E-mail: Randy Jones, Assistant Secretary Park Square Homes Phone: 407-529-3092 5200 Vineland Road, Suite 200 Fax: 407-529-3106 Orlando, FL 32811 Cell: Elected: 11/01/22 Seat # 5 Term Expires: 11/2026 County: Orange E-mail: George Flint, Secretary Jason Showe, Assistant Secretary Jill Burns, Treasurer Katie Costa, Assistant Treasurer Darrin Mossing, Sr., Assistant Treasurer District Counsel Jan Carpenter Phone: 407-481-5800 Latham, Luna, Eden & Beaudine Fax: 407-481-5801 201 S. Orange Ave Kristen Trucco Suite 1400 Orlando, FL 32801 Wanda Thomas E-mail: District Engineer Christina Baxter Phone: 407-487-2594 Poulos & Bennett Fax: 2602 E. Livingston Street Mohammad Eisa Orlando, FL 32803 Email: E-mail: Phone: 440-667-0128 Underwriter Phone: 407-622-0130 Brett Sealy Phone: 407-622-0135 MBS Capital Markets E-mail: 152 Lincoln Avenue Winter Park, FL 32789 Developer Park Square Homes Phone: 407-529-3048 5200 Vineland Road, Suite 200 Fax: Orlando, FL 32811 Tom Spence Vince Gates Bond Counsel Mike Williams Phone: 561-650-7945 Akerman LLP Fax: 420 South Orange Ave, Suite 1200 Orlando, FL 32801 Indra Rivas Email: Trustee Phone: Fax: E-mail: Orange County Administrator Mr. Byron Brooks Phone: 407-836-5044 201 S. Rosiland Ave Orlando, Florida 32801 Orange County Clerk of Courts Colleen M. Reilly, Interim Clerk Phone: 407-836-2000 425 N. Orange Avenue, Suite 410 Orlando, Florida 32801 Orange County Supervisor of Elections Bill Cowles Phone: 407-836-2070 119 W. Kaley Street Orlando, Florida 32806 Mailing: P.O. Box 562001 Orlando, Florida 32856 Orange County Tax Collector Scott Randolph Phone: 407-836-7370 200 S. Orange Ave Suite 1500 Orlando, Florida 32801 Orange County Property Appraiser Rick Singh Phone: 407-836-5044 200 S. Orange Ave. Orlando, Florida 32801 Meeting Location Phone: 407-841-5524 Offices of GMS-CF, LLC 219 E. Livingston Street Orlando, Florida 32801 Official Records Location TBD Advertisements/Notices Phone: 407-420-5160 Orlando Sentinel Fax: 407-420-5011 P.O. Box 2833 Orlando, FL 32802 E-mail: