MINUTES OF MEETING GRANDE PINES COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Grande Pines Community Development District was held Monday, May 29, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. at the Offices of GMS-CF, LLC at 219 East Livingston Street, Orlando, Florida. Present and constituting a quorum: Amanda Whitney Chairperson Linda Kepfer Vice Chairperson Achal Aggarwal Assistant Secretary Also present were: George Flint District Manager, GMS Jay Lazarovich District Counsel Mohammad Eisa by phone District Engineer Jarett Wright Field Manager, GMS FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Roll Call Mr. Flint called the meeting to order and called the roll. Three Board members were present constituting a quorum. SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Public Comment Period Mr. Flint: There are no members of the public here to provide comment. THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of Minutes of the March 20, 2024 Meeting Mr. Flint: The next item is approval of the March 20, 2024 minutes. Did the Board have any comments or corrections? Ms. Whitney: No. I’ll make a motion to approve. On MOTION by Ms. Whitney, seconded by Mr. Aggarwal, with all in favor, the Minutes of the March 20, 2024, Meeting, were approved. FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Resolution 2024-07 Approving the Proposed Fiscal Year 2025 Budget and Setting a Public Hearing Mr. Flint: Item four is Resolution 2024-07 approving a proposed budget and setting the date, place and time of the public hearing. Each year you are required to approve a proposed budget by June 15th and set the date of the public hearing. The proposed budget is not binding. It’s really a preliminary version and we are recommending August 19th at 10:00 a.m. in this location for the actual hearing to consider its adoption. Attached to the resolution is the proposed budget. As you can see, we’re anticipating that all the lots will be assessed. There will be some cost share revenue from the commercial property at the front related to stormwater runoff and the maintenance of that pond. You’ll see the administrative and field expenses. This is a buildout budget at this point. We have increased the gate attendant costs. When we originally budgeted, we assumed 365 days a year, 24 hours at a certain rate and the rate is higher per our contract than what we had estimated a number of years ago, so you will see an increase there. Our electric has gone up. Those are the main field changes. On the admin side, we are asking for an increase in management fee. You are not approving that today. If you do approve it as part of the budget adoption in August, then it would get approved, but it’s recommended at this point. We are showing the per unit assessments there. We are having to recommend about a 14% increase in the per unit assessments, which would result in a mailed notice to all the properties within the District advising them of the public hearing in August. So, you’re not approving that increase at this point, but we do have a proposed increase to be able to balance this budget. Any questions on the proposed budget. Ms. Whitney: Does the increase in the gate attendant include a roaming security? Mr. Flint: No. Ms. Whitney: We need to build that in. Mr. Flint: Okay. Mr. Wright: I would need to know how many days you are looking for. I have the pricing ready to go for that, but it’s just about how many days, how many hours. Ms. Whitney: I think we are looking at seven days a week or at least through the weekend to start. What is happening is we are having a lot of construction theft back there, so they are wanting to get somebody roaming. I spoke with Antonella about the pricing of the guard and their golf cart option alone, like a rental, was like $130 a week, so I said to Antonella, “Let’s just buy a golf cart. Let’s look into getting a golf cart because the manager can use it during the day and the security by evening.” So, I think that is the route we are hoping to go, and I think we should build into those expenditures too to the budget. Mr. Wright: Okay. Are you looking for the entire day or nighttime? Ms. Whitney: Just nighttime. I would think 10:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. or something like that or 11:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. Mr. Wright: Okay. I think they are doing 8-hour shifts right now, so 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. is probably that window. Ms. Whitney: Okay. Mr. Flint: Friday and Saturday night or Friday, Saturday and Sunday night? Ms. Whitney: Let me get back with the team. We are getting more from homeowners it seems throughout weekends, but even during the week too were having people who are walking along behind homes and things like that. So, not just in the construction area. I don’t know if it’s something they are going to want to do. Let me ask our part of that team and see what they want to do, but at least you have an idea. I don’t know that it is temporary. I think it will be something they’ll wish for it to stay. Mr. Flint: Okay. Maybe to give the Board flexibility then. It’s going to be a big number. What is the hourly rate? Mr. Wright: The hourly rate is $21.25. Mr. Flint: It’s going to be 365 times eight times $21.25. Ms. Whitney: Maybe if we just started Thursday to Sunday or something. I believe that would be good because I think it’s busiest during the weekend. Mr. Flint: So, a Thursday, a Friday, and a Saturday night. That will be three nights. It’s 24 hours times 52 times $21.25. It’s like $26,520. Do we want to increase the budget by $30,000 and go with that? Ms. Whitney: Are we able to do that as far as our increase and the percentage right now? Mr. Flint: Well, I would have to have the Board approve it subject to incorporation of the additional expense and whatever the increase is it is for purposes of mailed notice rather than trying to calculate it on the fly. While you’re here, I would just ask you to approve it with the gate and then we increase that $190,000 to whatever we need to increase it to. Ms. Whitney: So, we are just going to increase the current budget by an additional $30,000? Mr. Flint: Well, the proposed. Do we need to do it now? Well, we will have to deal with the current year separate, but we are talking of starting on October 1. Ms. Whitney: Correct. Mr. Wright: I think if you put it at $240,000 for that line item, that would give you enough. Mr. Flint: That is $50,000. Mr. Wright: Yes. That will give you enough flexibility for if you want four days, do you want to maybe add an extra day or a couple of shifts here and there. Ms. Whitney: So, you’re suggesting $50,000? Mr. Wright: I would suggest $50,000. Ms. Whitney: Okay. Mr. Flint: And then at the hearing in August, we can bring it back down. Ms. Whitney: That gives me time. Mr. Flint: But if you set it at $220,000 now, we do mailed notice in August, and you can’t increase it. Ms. Whitney: Got it. Mr. Flint: So, if you want to give yourself a little flexibility, increase it by $50,000 and then we can bring it down in August if we need to bring it down. Ms. Whitney: Okay. Thank you. Mr. Flint: So, $240,000. Any other discussion on the proposed budget? Mr. Aggarwal: I have a question. It’s just a general CDD question. Is there a cap of how much you can increase the budget by year over year. Mr. Flint: There is no cap. We have a statutory process and a public hearing process we have to go through and a mailed notice we have to perform, but there is no cap on that increase. Mr. Aggarwal: Okay. Ms. Whitney: I think the security, to be clear, is an easy sell to homeowners because they are the ones making the complaints to us. So, I think we always just maintained it. Of course, you want more roaming security. Mr. Flint: Yes. It’s hard to argue against that. Ms. Whitney: Right. Mr. Flint: And if they don’t want more, we will reduce it. But I think you’re only going to get one or two people complaining and they’re probably not representing the majority of the owners in there. Alright, if there is no other discussion, is there a motion to approve Resolution 2024-07 with the Exhibit A as amended increasing security to $240,000? Ms. Whitney: I motion to approve. Mr. Aggarwal: Second. On MOTION by Ms. Whitney, seconded by Mr. Aggarwal, with all in favor, Resolution 2024-07 the Proposed Fiscal Year 2025 Budget and Setting a Public Hearing, was approved as amended. FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Resolution 2024-08 Designating a Date, Time and Location for a Landowners’ Election and Meeting Mr. Flint: Resolution 2024-08 designates the date, time and location for a landowner election. Initially, the five members of the Board are elected through a landowner election process, which is one vote per acre or part of an acre. So, if you own one house one lot and it’s less than an acre, you have one vote. If you own five acres, you have five votes. There are three seats up every two years, until you reach 250 registered voters and the District has been in existence six years. We may never hit 250 in this community just because of the nature of the community, so the Board may continue to be landowner elected versus general election or through the Supervisor of Elections. The election has to occur at some point in November. We are recommending you hold the landowner meeting on November 18th at 10:00 a.m. in this location. You can see the three seats that are up are Linda’s, Achal’s, and Suhiel’s seats. Anybody who owns property within the District can participate in the election. There is a sample notice that will get advertised in the newspaper. There are instructions for the election. There is a landowner proxy. The landowner can either show up themselves or they can designate a proxyholder to vote on their behalf. Then, there is the ballet, you see there. We’ll send out the proxy and the ballet to you all a couple weeks ahead of this meeting to remind you about it and make sure you’re participating. As far as the other owners, we rely on the legal notice. There is really no other notice that goes out. Any questions on the resolution? If not, is there a motion to approve it? Ms. Whitney: I will motion to approve. Mr. Aggarwal: Second. On MOTION by Ms. Whitney, seconded by Mr. Aggarwal, with all in favor, Resolution 2024-08 Designating a Date, Time and Location for a Landowners’ Election and Meeting, was approved. SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Series 2021 Requisition #25 Mr. Flint: Next is Series 2021 Requisition #25. This is for $725,001.78. This will pay out all but $10,000 that is remaining in the Series 2021 construction account. The District engineer worked with the developer to prepare this requisition. You can see it’s been signed by the District engineer and by myself on behalf of the CDD. The back that is attached is supporting the amounts that are being requisitioned. This was submitted to the trustee last week. You should have already received the funding or Park Square should have received the funding. If there is any questions, we can discuss those. If not, I’d ask for a motion to ratify the requisition. Ms. Whitney: I will motion to ratify. On MOTION by Ms. Whitney, seconded by Mr. Aggarwal, with all in favor, the Series 2021 Requisition #25, was ratified. SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Ratification of Series 2021 Requisition #26 Mr. Flint: We have a small Requisition #26 for $60 for Poulos & Bennett from the Series 2021 bonds. Is there a motion to ratify that? Ms. Whitney: I will motion to ratify. On MOTION by Ms. Whitney, seconded by Mr. Aggarwal, with all in favor, the Series 2021 Requisition #26, was ratified. EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Ratification of Series 2024 Requisitions #1-4 Mr. Flint: Requisitions #1-4 for the Series 2024 bonds are included for ratification in your agenda. If there is any questions, we can discuss those. If not, is there a motion to ratify Requisitions #1-4? Ms. Whitney: I will motion to ratify. Mr. Aggarwal: Second. On MOTION by Ms. Whitney, seconded by Mr. Aggarwal, with all in favor, the Series 2024 Requisitions #1-4, was ratified. NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Review and Acceptance of Revised Draft Fiscal Year 2023 Audit Report Mr. Flint: At the last meeting we presented a draft of the annual audit. There was a current year finding in that draft related to filing of the public depositor’s report. It took me off guard because it shouldn’t have been in there. Subsequent to the meeting I followed up on it and actually that comment has been removed. That public depositor report was filed timely. In your agenda is a revised draft of the audit and there are no current or prior year findings or recommendations, so it's a clean audit with no findings. I just wanted to get it back on the agenda for the record, so we get the clean version of that audit in the record. Is there a motion to accept the revised draft and authorize it to be transmitted to the State of Florida? Ms. Whitney: I motion to approve. Mr. Aggarwal: Second. On MOTION by Ms. Whitney, seconded by Mr. Aggarwal, with all in favor, Accepting the Revised Draft Fiscal Year 2023 Audit Report and Authorizing it to be Transmitted to the State of Florida, was approved. TENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Staff Reports A. Attorney i. Memorandum Regarding Annual Reminder on Florida Laws for Public Officials Mr. Flint: Attorney, Jay? Mr. Lazarovich: Yes. In the agenda is our firm’s memos. It’s just an annual reminder we like to send to all the Boards. It covers quorum requirements, voting conflicts and other records just for your review. If you have any questions, reach out to me or George. I have no other updates for the Board. B. Engineer Mr. Flint: Alright Engineer, Mohammad. Anything? Mr. Eisa: I don’t have any report for the Board. C. District Manager’s Report i. Check Register Mr. Flint: District Manager’s report, you have the check register from April 1 through April 30 totaling $53,495.71. The detailed register is behind the summary. If you have any questions, we can discuss those. If not, I’d ask for a motion to approve it. Ms. Whitney: I will motion to approve. Mr. Aggarwal: Second. On MOTION by Ms. Whitney, seconded by Mr. Aggarwal, with all in favor, the Check Register, was approved. ii. Balance Sheet and Income Statement Mr. Flint: Next are unaudited financials through March 31. There is no action required by the Board. If you have any questions, we can discuss those. Ms. Whitney: I motion to approve. Mr. Aggarwal: Second. On MOTION by Ms. Whitney, seconded by Mr. Aggarwal, with all in favor, the Balance Sheet and Income Statement, was approved. iii. Presentation of Series 2021 Arbitrage Rebate Calculation Report Mr. Flint: Next is an arbitrage rebate calculation report. IRS requires that we do a calculation demonstrating that were not earning more interest than we’re paying. That’s required to be reported every five years. We do it annually and the cost is the same that way if you have an arbitrage issue you’ll know sooner. Typically, it’s not been a problem. Now that interest rates are a little bit higher on investments, it could potentially be an issue. You can see for the Series 2021 bonds; the arbitrage rebate calculation report is in your agenda. There is a negative rebatable arbitrage of $388,000, so there is no arbitrage issues. Are there any questions on the report? If not, is there a motion to accept it? Ms. Whitney: I will motion to accept. Mr. Aggarwal: Second. On MOTION by Ms. Whitney, seconded by Mr. Aggarwal, with all in favor, the Series 2021 Arbitrage Rebate Calculation Report, was approved. iv. Presentation of Number of Registered Voters- 0 Mr. Flint: Each year we are required to announce the number of registered voters as of April 15. You can see there are currently zero registered voters within the District. No action required on that. It’s just something we need to announce. D. Field Manager’s Report i. Consideration of Proposal for Accent Lighting with Total Sprinkler & Lighting, LLC Mr. Flint: Field Manager’s report. Jarrett. Mr. Wright: Good morning, everyone. Pretty slow on the field side for this month. Our focus was pretty much on getting all the transitioning for the gate duties over with the HOA and working with them as well as getting the budget handled. Plant enhancements that were approved were installed. The dead palm tree was removed, and the new one was replaced. We also added a few plants in there. We will just keep monitoring them and have the warranty replacement if they’re needed, but they seem to be doing fine for the moment. For the guardhouse, there was a couple of small items there. The AC copper lines had a leak and needed to be replaced. They have been fixed. It’s working now. LED strips were ordered. We had to set up a new account with Guardian Access to get all those items. But now that we have that, anytime we need maintenance, we just contact them. Those have been installed. They also just dropped off a big supply of the nylon nuts just in case anyone ever bumps it off and they normally have wear and tear from going up and down. We’ll replace those pretty much monthly unless they need to be replaced sooner than that. We are also working with them on a proposal that was approved for the guards basically having a remote-control access so that they don’t have to go to the second lane, talk to the person, then run back into the guardhouse to open the gate for them and keep cars in traffic like that. They can stand in the middle when there is multiple lanes of traffic going and just have the controller to open the gates after they’ve already engaged with the person. It makes it safer for them and makes it quicker for the residents and everything. Then, once they get their full system in place, that will make a smooth transition as well. So, that’s in place. I am just waiting for them to drop those off for us and have those good to go. The only other item that we had was the request for landscape lighting. I met with five different vendors out there and only one provided a proposal. I think this estimate, honestly, is pretty high for what you would be looking at here. And because of the changes to the medians, they would have to core drill new lines for running electric to certain places and I just don’t think that is needed, especially for the cost. Their proposal is for two transformers and 22 lights for $15,930. My recommendation here would just be to have us. We have used low-voltage landscape lighting off of Amazon. It’s very cheap, but it’s also highly effective for what it is. You can have more smaller lights that give a better effect, and they can be hot swapped on demand for very cheap. Every 12 lights is $100. We can replace 12 lights at a time for $100 and it basically connects into the electric line, and it just pops right out. If one is broken, we’ll replace it. I would recommend doing that. We could do the whole thing for under $3,000. Mr. Aggarwal: Under $3,000? Mr. Wright: Under $3,000. Probably right around $2,500. Ms. Kepfer: It’s much better than $16,000. Mr. Aggarwal: I guess have a proposal. Mr. Wright: Yes. I can get you a proposal. Mr. Aggarwal: Yes. Mr. Wright: After going through all this, I said this is just not worth the cost for what it’s going to be. Ms. Whitney: Well, I am surprised there is not already sleeves there too because I believe our plans had sleeves in them. So, I question that too. I’ll have to look at those plans. Mr. Wright: I know we checked out there and didn’t see anything. And in those specific meetings, there is not any type of lighting or anything. I am not sure what happened, but at the moment that would be the requirements. Instead of doing that, I would say let us. Mr. Flint: If you’ve got plans that show where they are supposed to be. A lot of times there will be C on the concrete on curb where the conduit is, if they ran it. Ms. Whitney: Okay. Mr. Wright: I think we can do it much more cost effective. If you want it at the next meeting, I can have those and give you the exact plan layout of everything. Ms. Whitney: Just get us a proposal and a plan for it. Mr. Wright: Okay. Other than that, that is all I have unless there is any questions. Ms. Kepfer: I have a question about the air conditioner. Mr. Wright: Yes. Ms. Kepfer: That would be under warranty. So, did we pay and repair that? Mr. Wright: We did, and we can follow up just because it was kind of an emergency repair. Ms. Kepfer: Right. Mr. Wright: Because they had no air conditioning, so we just wanted to take care of them. We can pull up the warranty information and see if we can file a claim on it. Ok, we had to do this as an emergency, but we want to be reimbursed for those costs. Ms. Kepfer: I don’t know that it will work that way. I think you have to use their vendor that installed it. But in the future, I don’t know when we turned over that gatehouse. I know it’s probably in the system at the clubhouse. Mr. Wright: I want to say the turnover for that was last year. Ms. Kepfer: October? Mr. Wright: Yes. I think around then. Ms. Kepfer: Just for future. If anything goes wrong in there, I want to hold them accountable. Please. Mr. Wright: Okay. Ms. Kepfer: Thank you. Mr. Flint: There should probably be a year warranty. Okay. Alright. Anything else? Any questions on Field Managers Report? ELEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Other Business Mr. Flint: Any other business or supervisor requests? Mr. Aggarwal: Yes. So, these pickleball courts. Mr. Flint: Oh yes. Ms. Whitney: Oh, that’s right. They are dying for us to sign that agreement. Yes. He needs that. Mr. Aggarwal: I mean, the intention is for these pickleball courts to be in the POA or the HOA. Ms. Whitney: The HOA. Mr. Aggarwal: What actions do we need to take to have that transferred over? Mr. Flint: Well, Jay can advise on it. Mr. Lazarovich: I already prepared a deed that would be from the CDD to the HOA getting rid of any interest that was needed in the plat. However, the developer actually has to transfer to the HOA. Mr. Aggarwal: Okay. Mr. Lazarovich: So, a CDD, I believe, the property appraiser lists it based on the plat. Mr. Aggarwal: Yes. Mr. Lazarovich: It needs to come from the developer first. Mr. Aggarwal: Okay. Mr. Flint: A deed from the developer to the HOA and then a quitclaim deed from the CDD giving up any interest we have. Ms. Whitney: Let me ask you this. Can we sign that so that our team can move forward prior to the meeting and the ratify it? Mr. Flint: Yes. Ms. Whitney: Okay. Mr. Flint: Can the Board take an action to delegate authority to the Chair and Vice Chair? Mr. Lazarovich: Yes. We can do that. Mr. Flint: Rather than waiting. Mr. Aggarwal: Yes. Let’s do that. Mr. Flint: Because we may not need to meet next month. So, if you want to frame the motion, Jay. Mr. Lazarovich: Yes. If you want to do a motion. Do you have a next resolution number? Mr. Flint: It would be 09. Mr. Lazarovich: So, Resolution 2024-09 Accepting the conveyance of Tract OS9 from the CDD to the POA to go over that interest. Ms. Whitney: I’ll ratify. Mr. Aggarwal: Move. Mr. Flint: The resolution will approve the quitclaim deed to be executed and it will authorize the Chair or Vice Chair to take any action necessary. Ms. Whitney: Yes. Mr. Flint: Alright. We have motion by Amanda. Second by? Mr. Aggarwal: Second. On MOTION by Ms. Whitney, seconded by Mr. Aggarwal, with all in favor, Resolution 2024-09 the Quitclaim Deed to be Executed and Authorizing the Chairman or Vice Chairman to Take Any Action Necessary, was approved. Mr. Flint: And that execution of that quitclaim deed would have to happen after the developer conveys the interest to the HOA. Mr. Aggarwal: Got it. Mr. Flint: Alright. Thanks for reminding us of that issue. Mr. Aggarwal: Yes. I had several calls about that. Mr. Flint: Yes. We don’t want the ownership of the amenity split. It would be very confusing. Mr. Aggarwal: Yes. Mr. Flint: Alright. Especially with a negotiation of shared access with other outside the community and all that. TWELFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisors Requests There being no comments, the next item followed. THIRTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Adjournment Mr. Flint: If there is nothing else, is there a motion to adjourn? On MOTION by Ms. Whitney, seconded by Mr. Aggarwal, with all in favor, the meeting was adjourned. Signature - George Flint Signature - Achal Aggarwal Secretary/Assistant Secretary Chairman/Vice Chairman